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Rock Maze


The Thinking Partnership
The Foundation Course



Experience the Difference

People can think for themselves. It is their natural birthright to do so. This innate ability can, and mostly is, intruded upon and eroded by parental and educational messaging: resulting in an internalised assumption – that we need others to help us in order to know what to do.

Learning to become a Thinking Partner is possibly the most helpful skill to cultivate. Having the courage to trust someone else’s intelligence for themselves is a profound gift of humanity and leadership.

In the 3-day Thinking Partnership course (2 consecutive days, with a third day a few weeks later, allowing for practice in between days 2 & 3),  participants learn to offer the quality of attention we call "generative".

When people are thinking for themselves and are on an “independent roll”, being listened to by someone who knows how to create a Thinking Environment for them, they can and will discover the full territory of their thinking. From there they can clarify their objectives, surface and remove untrue limiting assumptions that stand in their way, and generate new ideas and insights that free them to live life fully. The human mind is capable of all this, innately.


When, for whatever reason, this innate capacity becomes blocked, Thinking Partners have learned to recognise (a) where the thinker is now, and where they are needing to go next, and (b) what question(s) will enable them to get back onto a roll of their own independent thinking.


This powerful, 2-day Foundation Course gives participants a complete overview of the range of ways in which the Thinking Environment can be applied.

We begin with understanding the fundamental premise of this body of knowledge:

The quality of everything we do, everything, depends on the quality of the thinking that we do about it first. The quality of the thinking that we do, depends on how we are being treated by the people we are thinking with, including ourselves.
– Nancy Kline –


Exploring the system of human behaviour now known as The Ten Components of a Thinking Environment, participants also are exposed to four building block practices which can be used individually or in combination with each other to create a thinking environment in group settings (team coaching, meetings, presentations, assisting a person with a challenge by drawing on a group’s previous experience of similar challenges).

Participants will also have an opportunity to observe a Thinking Session and discover how to build Incisive Questions.

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